Counseling Center
Lane County Behavioral Health (LCBH) has established a phone line (541-520-1547) dedicated to supporting students, families and staff affected by recent student deaths. This line is staffed by LCBH clinical staff who can provide screening, brief intervention, tips for parents and referral for youth. Currently, the line is staffed from 1:00-4:30 M-F
Email Kristen
Junction City High School ~ 1135 West Sixth Avenue ~ Junction City, OR 97448 Registrar direct line: 541-998-5955, Fax: 541-998-3301 After Hours: 541-998-2343, dial extension to leave a voicemail. |
Substance Abuse
Mind Your Mind
Local Licensed Therapists
Self Harm Presentation for Parents
Community Resources
The State of Oregon and Junction City School District High School graduation requirements are based on credits.
Credits: A total of 26 credits must be earned to graduate with a standard Junction City High School diploma. Students may also graduate with a State of Oregon diploma at 24 credits.
Smarter Balance testing occurs in the spring of each year. Students must pass state assessments in reading, math, and writing or meet an alternate standard of proficiency to graduate. State testing provides essential skill completion, merit scholarship awards, and provides insight into how a student is doing academically. If a student waives their test, they still must pass state assessments in reading, writing, and math or meet an alternate standard of proficiency to graduate.
Graduating with Honors:
Schedule changes will be made during the first three days of a trimester by making an appointment with grade level counselors. Schedule changes are on a limited basis (only to fill a missing class or if a student did not receive a class they needed for graduation) as students are scheduled according to what they forecasted for in the spring. Schedule changes will not be made after the first week. If there are questions regarding schedule changes or the schedule change process, students should access their grade level counselors.
Additional Information
504 Information for Parents
Dear Parent/Guardian,
As you are aware, by order of Governor Brown, all schools in Oregon have closed through the end of school in June. As of April 13, 2020, the Junction City School District will be providing distance learning for all students. According to the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), “distance learning” is a combination of online instruction, blended learning strategies and access to appropriate educational materials. Teacher-led instruction is intended to focus on essential and relevant learning for students.
The District remains committed to meeting the accessibility needs of our students who are eligible for accommodations under Section 504. As such, many accommodations written into your student’s 504 plan will be able to be provided in an online setting. However, there may be some accommodations that are more “environmental” in nature – accommodations that are unique to the school setting. For example, if your student requires a sensory break in a specified location at the school, that particular accommodation may not be applicable given the current restrictions set forth by state mandate.
All teachers who will be providing distance-learning to your child are aware of the accommodations listed in your child’s 504 plan. If you have any questions about how specific accommodations will be delivered in a particular class, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. Moreover, if you have questions or would like to discuss the plan in general, feel free to contact me at 541-998-2343 or [email protected] or [email protected].
Thank you for your participation and collaboration in the educational planning for your student.
504 Coordinators: Aaron Klein (10th and 12th) and Brian Miller (9th and 11th)
This letter serves as a prior written notice to parents regarding any special education actions proposed as required under Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR 581-015-2310).
For more information regarding your rights as a parent under Section 504, please visit:
To obtain assistance in understanding these procedural safeguards, you may contact the following sources:
Katie Bradford Special Programs Director Oregon Department of Education
Ph:(541) 998-6311 ext 5621 Ph: (503) 947-5697
[email protected] Fax: (503) 378-5156